Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Law of projection

Law of projection sebuah konsep dari rahasia magnet rezeki . Sebuah hukum tentang proyeksi pikiran. Cara mengendalikan pikiran untuk memperbaiki nasib kita.

Seperti yang telah saya singgung dalam postingan yang lalu bahwa setiap hari akal kita menghasilkan 60.000 pikiran . Dimana proyeksi dari pikiran - pikiran tersebut akan menentukan bagaimana keadaan hidup kita.

Apabila didominasi oleh pikiran yang buruk maka buruklah keadaan kita, sebaliknya bila didominasi oleh pikiran baik maka baiklah nasib kita.

ilustrasinya sebagai berikut, seperti sebuah proyektor yang menampilkangambar dilayar, Gambar dilayar adalah nasib hidup kita. Dimana pada dasarnya gambar tersebut berasal dari komputer yang tersambung . Komputer tersebut adalah pikiran kita. Gambar akan berganti bila kita merubah gambar di komputer.

Demikian juga nasib kita , Akan berganti apabila kita merubah pikiran ( mindset ) di otak kita.

Hukum Law Of Projection – GitoPamungkas.com
https://www.gitopamungkas.com › Motivasi
10 Jan 2017 - Apasih Law of Projection? Ilmu ini adalah salah satu jenis ilmu yang berkaitan dengan pikiran kita. Dengan kata lain apapun yang kita pikirkan itulah yang kita proyeksikan. Contoh sedehananya adalah seperti ini : Jika anda pernah melihat orang presentasi, perangkat yang dibutuhkan adalah : 1. Laptop = ...
L: 0LD: 0I: 3Rank: 13.1MAge: 2016|11|14whoissourceRank: 29.6MAdv Disp Ads: 0Pub Disp Ads: 0
LAW OF PROJECTION explained by Hans Wilhelm - YouTube
Video untuk law of projection▶ 8:27
20 Nov 2012 - Diupload oleh Hans Wilhelm
The Law of Projection is a wonderful tool for growth and development For more videos and contact visit: http ...
L: 0LD: 4.47BI: 7.39BRank: 2Age: 2005|04|28whoissourceRank: 2Adv Disp Ads: 29.3KPub Disp Ads: 5
Law of Projection - YouTube
Video untuk law of projection▶ 22:29
2 Agt 2016 - Diupload oleh Cahaya Hati
Kumpulan Audio " Magnet Rezeki " Dikelola oleh pak Nasrullah, pendiri sekaligus Direktur Utama PT ...
L: 0LD: 4.47BI: 7.39BRank: 2Age: 2005|04|28whoissourceRank: 2Adv Disp Ads: 29.3KPub Disp Ads: 5
Spiritual Law – Law of Projection | Soul Essence
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8 Mei 2009 - There are thirty six or more spiritual laws which offer excellent ways for us to understand life on earth, some of the following text has been taken form Diana Cooper's fantastic book "A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws". I will briefly explain each law over the coming weeks, if you find this interesting I…
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ancient wisdom: Law of Projection
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16 Apr 2013 - Simply put the Law of Projection states that everything you see outside of yourself is but a projection created by you. In other words, you have written the script and you are the camera, director, projector and audience. Through your script, all the characters and actors are all showing up by invitation.
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Learn Spiritual Law Of Projection Spiritual Laws
bodysoulmind.net › Spiritual Laws
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15 Feb 2011 - Learn spiritual law of projection & spiritual laws. All aspects of ourselves and our personalities, our lives & lifestyle choices are projected outwards, then.
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50. The Law of Projection | GuideSpeak
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The Law of Projection. Everything you see outside of yourself is a projection of how you feel about you projected onto someone else or something else. The other person or object is holding up a mirror for you to see yourself and your inner feelings about yourself, more clearly. You project your fears onto the world.
L: 0LD: 25I: 417Rank: 11.1MAge: wait...whoissourceRank: 1.71MAdv Disp Ads: 0Pub Disp Ads: 0
Amazon.com: The Power of Intention/The Law of Projection: Movies & TV
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It's Simple. It makes sense. And it works!! Put the Power of Intention to work in your life today! "In this hour-long video I will explain the mechanics of The Power of Intention: The Law of Projection, and how you can put these principles to work for you today to create a life of Spiritual Fulfillment and Material Abundance.".
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